Monday, October 29, 2012

Andhra PradeshTourist Guide for All

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Demystifying Foster Care,

Demystifying Foster Care

There are more children in the Larimer and Weld county foster care programs than there are families to care for them. As a result, many of these children have to go to group homes or stay in other parts of Colorado.?Foster parenting, is?not?a lifetime commitment to a child, but a commitment to be meaningful to a child?s life when they need it most.

The Larimer and Weld county foster care programs provide training, certification, and help for family foster care providers. Foster home families provide temporary substitute care for children, ages 0 through 18, who have been removed from their families due to physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect, or if the parent is otherwise unavailable. Foster parents offer day-to-day care and guidance until the child can be reunited with his or her birth family, move to a kinship family or permanent adoptive home, or emancipate. Caseworkers work closely with foster parents to identify and meet the special needs of the child(ren). The children are covered by Medicaid insurance and the foster parents are given a monthly stipend to help reimburse the cost of their care.

Larimer County

Weld County

Baby Karyn and the Martineau Family

James and Sheri have been married for 19 years. ?Their story started in college where they met and fell in love. ?They married after graduation and started a family which has grown to 8 children, ages 1 to 16. ?Before becoming a homeschool mom, Sheri was a Speech-Language Pathologist and a Special Education teacher. ?James supports his family by working hard at a local clinic as a Nurse Practitioner. ?As a little girl, Sheri had dreams about adopting children with special needs. ?These dreams have stayed in her heart until now. ?They have decided to obey James 1:27 by welcoming a child with Down syndrome into their family. ? They have been earnestly seeking the Lord about when to adopt, and this little girl is the one their family has been waiting for. ?They are calling prayer warriors to pray for the adoption process, the funds to pay for everything, and most importantly for their little girl.

The Martineau?s travel to Karyn?s country on November 7, but have only $420 donated toward the cost of their adoption. Let?s bless this family and this beautiful little girl. You can give any amount to their adoption fund on Reece?s Rainbow, an international Down Syndrome adoption ministry. All donations are tax deductible.

Click here to help bring Karyn home!

Focus on the Family Adoption and Orphan Care Initiative

Most people simply do not realize America has orphans because we do not have orphanages. But did you know that there are approximately?104,000 legal orphans waiting in foster care for adoptive families to call their own??Given the number of churches throughout the U.S., every waiting child could have a family if less than one family per church opened their home and hearts.

Focus on the Family works collaboratively with state, county, church, and adoption agency leaders to help find families for waiting children and youth in foster care. ?In addition to recruiting families, we are also committed to providing best-in-class resources for foster and adoptive families.

Learn how you can make a difference

We Want To Hear From You!

Do you have a story to share about adoption, infertility, foster care or orphan care? Are you adopting or know someone who is? Do you know of a ministry or orphan-related event that we should connect with or feature? We want to hear from you! Please contact us at? let us know.

And as always, please help get the word out about the Rez Orphan Care Ministry!


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The final round of the 2012 PGA Grand Slam of Golf is under way in Bermuda, wher...

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You don't own Kindle books, Amazon reminds customer

1 day

On a dark and stormy night, an employee of your local bookstore strolls into your home, starts tossing books you'd purchased over the last few years into a box, and???despite your protest???takes them all away without saying a word.

Thankfully that's not what happened to Linn Jordet Nygaard. Well, not exactly.?The Norwegian woman?found herself on the wrong side of bureaucracy, but the outcome was much the same (without as much mud on the carpet): Amazon turned off her Kindle account, blocking her from her own books. And they wouldn't tell her why.

"Two weeks ago my Kindle started showing stripes on the?screen and I contacted Amazon support," Nygaard told NBC News. "Someone immediately found the Kindle in the system and told me they?would replace it free of charge. They could only ship the replacement?to UK because it was originally purchased there, and I told them I?would find an address the next day. (I live in Norway, but have a?friend who lives in London.)"?

Nygaard was pleased with Amazon's prompt service, she told us, even though this was her second Kindle to fall victim?to "stripes" on the ePaper screen.

But when Nygaard attempted to log into her Amazon account the next day, her account was suspended???and with it access to her library of 43 books.

Those friendly phone-based customer support folks couldn't access Nygaard's account either, and she was passed on to "account specialists" who only communicated via email. That's when things took a Kafkaesque turn (as documented by her friend, Martin Bekkelund, on his blog). A man named Michael Murphy with Amazon UK's "Executive Customer Relations" told Nygaard her account had been determined to be "directly related to another which has been previously closed for abuse of our policies." Which policies? He wouldn't say. What other account? Murphy wouldn't share that, either.

Instead, Murphy would only pass on this shrilly authoritarian boilerplate:

Per our Conditions of Use which state in part: and its affiliates reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders at their sole discretion.

Please know that any attempt to open a new account will meet with the same action.

Now just to spoil the story, I'll skip to the happy ending for Nygaard: After taking her story public, Amazon saw the error of their ways and restored her Kindle library. She's still waiting on her replacement Kindle, but in the meantime has access to her library through the Kindle iOS app on her iPad.

But Amazon doesn't get?off the hook so easily. When we?reached out to the company Monday, their PR representative would only send us a canned response they'd dropped into their customer forum: "We would like to clarify our policy on this topic. Account status should not affect any customer's ability to access their library." (Amazon loves copying-and-pasting, it seems.) Our follow up question ??"Why wasn't [Nygaard] told why her account was cancelled?" ??hasn't been answered yet.

And it probably won't be. Nygaard's little dust-up with Amazon isn't, in and of itself, a big deal. But it serves as a bitter reminder that we don't ever truly own the digital goods and software we buy online. Instead, we rent them, or hold them in a sort of long-term lease, the terms of which are brokered and policed exclusively by the leaseholder.?

As Boing Boing's Cory Doctorow put it in a blog post yesterday:??

This fine print will always have a clause that says you are a mere?tenant farmer of your books, and not their owner, and your right to?carry around your "purchases" (which are really conditional licenses,?despite misleading buttons labeled with words like "Buy this with one?click" ? I suppose "Conditionally license this with one click" is?deemed too cumbersome for a button) can be revoked without notice or?explanation (or, notably, refund) at any time.

The core issue might actually be a simple matter of semantics: when we click a digital button that is labelled "Buy," we expect that we're actually buying something. But we're not buying anything, we're licensing it. Just last year, the Supreme Court ruled that the first-sale doctrine does not apply to software???or e-books. Or apps. Nor pretty much everything you "Buy" online that doesn't get shipped to your home in a cardboard box.

Those long End User License Agreements you have to read before you use a new piece of software? Those are are legally binding, because you've clicked a button labeled "Agree." But for some reason, online retailers can label their buttons "Buy" when they actually mean "Rent," and there's nothing we can do about it save filing a lawsuit.

You could call Nygaard's experience a tempest in a teapot, a matter of a few hundred dollars worth of goods that, after a little public outcry, were fixed without issue. But you'd?still be pretty angry if and when it happens to you. (It is worth noting that despite Amazon's stated policy that customers can still access their previously purchased Kindle library even if their account is suspended, Nygaard couldn't download her books to a new device because her account was suspended.?

As she explained to us, "Before I started emailing Mr. Murphy, I could not log in to my account from Web or iPhone. And my Kindle?screen was broken so the fact that the books were still there didn't?help me much."

I was curious if there was any merit to my idea of attempting to hold retailers to these "Truth in Buttons" terms, so I asked Intellectual Property attorney Seth Greenstein, who wrote about about case law for reselling e-books a couple years back, if the notion held water. As?Greenstein?explained in an email to NBC News, it's not all completely settled:

All sales through Apple and other online retailers are subject to terms of use that set forth the conditions of sale. You may buy a track from the iTunes Store that can be used on a certain number of devices, or a copy of an e-book that comes with restrictions as to the ability to lend or the devices on which it is viewable ? a ?sale? with ?conditions.? The ?conditions? apply only to the person who entered into the agreement; they do not necessarily bind a third party.

In the patent context, the Supreme Court this term has granted review of a case to determine whether first sale privileges are defeated by a purchase ?with conditions.? Typically this arises where the seller marks products ?single use only.? The question is whether that is enforceable only under contract law, in which case it applies only to the purchaser; or, as a matter of patent law, against anybody. Why does this make a difference? Take a case I litigated in which Lexmark placed a ?single use? type of restriction on its cartridge boxes attempting to prevent its aftermarket competitors from refurbishing and refilling cartridges and selling them for far less than the price of a new cartridge. If the restriction is upheld under patent law, Lexmark could claim these aftermarket companies infringe its patents. If not, the aftermarket competitors may be lawful. The courts found that the first sale doctrine (called ?patent exhaustion?) trumpted the single use restriction. Now the Supreme Court will have the last word.

If the world's governments determine that customers don't have the same right of ownership over digital goods as we do over our material goods, the least they could do is force companies Amazon to be truthful about what is sold, and what is actually just rented. And it will probably take a lawsuit or legislative action to force Amazon to speak truthfully about the transactions, if only because it changes the perceived value in a customer's mind: $15 to rent a file that contains a book that can be taken away from you at any time, without explanation or recourse, starts to sound a little expensive.

Joel Johnson is a tech & science reporter who lives in Brooklyn. He is undecided about artisanal mayonnaise.


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BeanCounter is new business management software for Mac OS X ...

The ESRB has become the de facto standard for rating the content of video games. Well, at least packaged retail games. The ESRB is trying to expand out their rating system to cover downloadable games with the new Digital Rating Service. This provides ratings for downloadable games, including mobile apps, as they integrate their system with the... | Read more ?


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sean Foley Q&A: Interview with Tiger's coach, part 2

Oct. 23, 2012
By Brian Wacker, PGATOUR.COM Staff

Tiger Woods is back in action this week at the CIMB Classic in Malaysia. PGATOUR.COM's Brian Wacker recently sat down with Tiger's swing coach, Sean Foley, for an exclusive two-part interview.

Part II
Foley discusses Tiger's progress since 2010, problems with short irons, and how he thinks Tiger will play in the next 10 years. Click here to read Part I

ORLANDO, Fla. -- What do Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy see in each other? Plenty. So does Sean Foley, who has coached Woods for the past two years.

After opening up about what that process has been like, Foley discussed the friendship that has developed between Woods and McIlroy. He also shared insight on his other players, which includes Hunter Mahan, Justin Rose and Seung-Yul Noh, and in the past, also Sean O'Hair and Stephen Ames.

In the second of a two-part exclusive interview, Foley talks about life in a vacuum, why he doesn't sign autographs and where he draws his own inspiration from.

Q: You were out here with Stephen Ames and Sean O'Hair and Justin Rose and Hunter Mahan before you even became Tiger's coach. But there are a lot more eyeballs on you now. How do you deal with all the attention and criticism?

SEAN FOLEY: I recognize that it's part of the job. You deal with all the speculation and insinuation and realize the path you need to take as a coach has to be based in evidence so you always know you're on the right path. Whether it is numbers from TrackMan or statistics, they show you that you're moving in the right direction. We're dealing with neuroplasticity, we're dealing with insulating neural circuits and getting them to fire according to certain signals. That's exactly what it is.

This takes time. Why do they have it sometimes and other times they don't? I take solace in the idea I shouldn't guess what I can measure. I realize what [a critic's] job is, and I get it. It may not be what they want to do; it could be what they're asked to do. But when you see agendas, there's nothing you can do.

Q: Has all the attention or criticism been hard on your family, specifically the last two years? You're very private when it comes to them.

SEAN FOLEY: You'd probably have to ask them. My wife (Kate) is pretty honest with me, but I wouldn't say so. It's probably been hard on my mom and dad who actually pay attention to all the nonsense they read about. But I'm doing what I always dreamed of doing, so it hasn't been tough. If anything, it's been invigorating and exciting.

Q: When it comes to responding to critics, or talking about Tiger do you bite your tongue a little more now than maybe early on?

SEAN FOLEY: Of course, but when it comes to situations dealing with ethics of what I'm doing I have no problem responding. You have to stand for something and you have to confront things that bother you. That's important. The only reason I talked a lot early on was because I thought I had to. I thought it was part of my job. But so often I would read a quote with words I never said. And then it's just not buying into the nonsense of how we communicate today and the business aspect of dot com.

For example, some of the guys who wrote that we're now in the Rory McIlroy era are the same guys a few months ago who said Rory needs to get rid of [girlfriend] Caroline Wozniacki because his relationship was the cause of a slump. First of all, if you think that, then you know nothing about golf because you don't realize the ebbs and flows of this game. And second, are you seriously watching this kid and pointing out on TV all the flaws that he has in his golf swing? Whoever's saying that must be told to say that or must have an agenda. I think sometimes criticism is confused admiration.

Q: I have a feeling you read more about yourself or your players than you're letting on, though.

SEAN FOLEY: That's probably true, but I feel like I need to know what I'm going to get asked about. That said, I enjoy reading about golf in general. It's like a businessman reading the Wall Street Journal. It just makes sense.

Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy have played a lot of golf together in the last few months.

Q: Let's talk about Rory. He and Tiger have struck up a friendship. What's your viewpoint on their relationship, and is Tiger motivated by Rory?

SEAN FOLEY: That's a question for Tiger, but Tiger is the ultimate competitor. I think it's like Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy reading each other's work. In Tiger's case, he's watching this young kid who hits it really far with a little draw and does everything well. It's like the saying that game recognizes game. Look, Rory is a wonderful kid. I met him when he was 17 years old and he's not changed one bit as a person. He's great for golf. I think you have to be careful when comparing players from different decades and eras, though. Comparing players in the '50s to the '80s to the '90s to the 2000s is really useless because the game is different from one era to the next. There's a mutual admiration between Tiger and Rory and they're both likeable people and that's why they get along.

Q: Take Tiger out of the equation because you're his coach; will Rory be the best player in the world for the next 10 years? Is there that much separation between him and everybody else?

SEAN FOLEY: We're way too early into his career to make those claims. I see all the signs of unbelievable golf, and all he's going to do is grow and become more mature. But let's say within the next five years he gets married, has kids and his priorities change. If I look at myself 15 years ago, I went from being broke and struggling to having some money to being heartbroken to being in love.

A lot can change in 10 years. I just don't think it's a good idea to look into the future for what's next for Rory, or what's next for Tiger. But if everything that needs to go Rory's way continues the way it has, then he's going to be one of the great players for the next decade. There are a lot of variables that go into that we don't have control of, though. That's the thing about Tiger that's crazy, is that he has kept up that level of play for as long as he has.

Q: Is the talent pool is deeper now than it was when Tiger was winning everything?

SEAN FOLEY: Yeah, but Tiger changed the paradigm. The reason that there are Rorys and Dustins and players of that ability is because they grew up watching this guy in a red shirt on Sunday. A lot of those kids didn't know it was possible, that golf could be that cool until they saw him do it. It brought athletes to the game. [Before Tiger] golf wasn't cool to a lot of people. Then they saw Tiger, and they thought, that's amazing, that's what I want to do. I think that's what Jack Nicklaus was for Tiger.

Q: You grew up idolizing guys like David Leadbetter and Butch Harmon and other instructors. What are your relationships like with other coaches; do you have relationships with other coaches?

SEAN FOLEY: Yeah, 100 percent. I treat people as I want to be treated. I want to be treated with respect and dignity, so I'm going to give that to everybody. The fact is we're all in it for the same reason -- we love golf. And we're in it because we enjoy helping people. That is the catalyst to all of it. I like to hang out with Dale Lynch and Steve Bann. Another good buddy is Mark Blackburn; Mark McCann; I like Claude Harmon; I like Butch (Harmon). Pete Cowan I'm close with. I feel like I see Pete and he sees me. I feel the same way about Chuck Cook.

There's a lot in common there. But it's not competitive. I know if I do the best job I can, and I read and I work and I experience and I keep trying to learn, that if my guys move on, then it's not going to create any angst. The only person I'm going to be upset at is myself. To me, all the turf wars and this teacher said this and this teacher said that, that stuff died in the high school cafeteria. I basically like everybody. It's interesting, if you think about your friends is there anything about your friends that you don't like? Sure, but you just focus on what you like. And then with the people that aren't your friends is there anything about them that you do like? Of course there is but you don't focus on that. When I realized that, I thought, what if I just focus on what I like about people but also realize life is not a popularity contest? Life is all about self determination.

Q: Do you share ideas with guys?

SEAN FOLEY: 100 percent. Why not? Where do you think I learned what I learned? Very little of what I know at all is original.

Stephen Ames and Sean Foley at the 2010 PGA Championship

Q: You're recognized all the time at tournaments but don't sign autographs. Why?

SEAN FOLEY: I was at the 2007 Masters with Stephen Ames. Remember how cold it was? Freezing, right? I was with Stephen's caddie, Dean Elliott, and we were walking toward what's now the old driving range and I saw a couple of people signing autographs who I didn't recognize until I got closer.

It was people who were in the support role, a couple coaches. I turned around and said to Dean, "If you ever see me do that, I want you to hit me over the head with a golf club." At the end of the day, it's nice to be recognized and it's nice to be cared about. But you can have PGA TOUR players without having PGA TOUR coaches and PGA TOUR sport psychologists and PGA TOUR trainers.

But you can't have us without any of them. I'm the help and I'm OK with that. If I ever took a kid who was 8 years old and they went all the way to where they won the U.S. Open, I would sign an autograph -- like Jim Furyk's dad should sign autographs. The rest of us have been basically allowed to help out people who were already 95 percent developed.

Q: You have a handful of tattoos -- not something you see every day in golf. What do they all mean?

SEAN FOLEY: (Pointing to wrists) Compassion, gratitude, empathy, love.

Q: What prompted them?

SEAN FOLEY: I just kept thinking about what do I want to teach my kids more than anything? Compassion for themselves and others. Empathy, people say, 'What's the difference between compassion and empathy?' Compassion is care; empathy is just realizing that a homeless guy maybe isn't lazy or doesn't try, that he may have mental issues or went to Vietnam or Iraq and got messed up watching his friends get blown up. So, not condemning and judging people. And then gratitude and then love. I think love ties them all together. Those are the four tenets of the Foley household, and I put them all there because I see it every day. They're a reminder of the four values I'm trying to accomplish in my own life.

Q: You have three more on your shoulder with the letters K, Q and K. What about those?

SEAN FOLEY: (Pointing to left shoulder) Kate, always, if she keeps me (laughing). So far I've totally outkicked my coverage. Quinn, with perspective, and Kieran, with courage. Quinn, perspective, just because it's my first child. I remember the first day I held him, it all just shifted. And then Kieran with courage because going through what we went through with him, I found the strength in myself I didn't even know was possible. (Editor's note: Kieran was born with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia, a condition in which an abnormal opening in the diaphragm can lead to parts of the stomach or other abdominal organs moving into the chest cavity. He has since been deemed 100 percent healthy.)

Q: And then you have another one on the other shoulder, a Jamaican colored star.

SEAN FOLEY: It's just kind of my ode to Bob Marley, who in pretty much one way or another, his songs raised me since I was 12 years old. I had great parents and everything, but at some point, kids 13, 14, they stop listening to their parents. I think with Bob, he just spoke to me in such a wise way.

You think about the lyrics to War. I was 13 years of age the first time I heard them: Until the philosophy which hold one race superior / And another / Inferior / Is finally / And permanently / Discredited / And abandoned / -Everywhere is war - / Me say war. That until there no longer / First class and second class citizens of any nation / Until the color of a man's skin / Is of no more significance / than the color of his eyes / - Me say war. That until the basic human rights / Are equally guaranteed to all, / Without regard to race / - Dis a war. That until that day / The dream of lasting peace / World citizenship / Rule of international morality / Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, / But never attained / - Now everywhere is war - / War. I'm 13 and thinking, what is that? So I start thinking why do people have friends who are all white and they have different color eyes? It's not like you have green eyes I can't talk to you. I remember being a certain age watching Mississippi Burning, and thinking people lived like this? I was in a family where if you came home as a kid and made a racial or a sexist joke, my parents would have been infuriated with me, as they should be. I'm pretty happy-go-lucky, but when it comes down to certain things I'm extremely serious. That's especially true when it comes down to human rights and treating everyone with dignity.

Q: You ever wonder how the hell you got here?

SEAN FOLEY: Every day. If I can get out of my own way of self judgment and thinking about useless stuff that I have no control over, like we all deal with, then it always hits me with total gratitude. It reminds me how fortunate I've been.


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Formula One racing returns to Texas

by Marcus Moore /

Posted on October 22, 2012 at 6:43 PM

AUSTIN ? Some are saying the upcoming Formula One (or F1) race in Austin will be the equivalent of the Super Bowl.

That's a description that may be hard for many in the U.S. to believe, but F1 enjoys a massive global audience. Some estimates suggest that half a billion people follow F1 worldwide.

Now ? for the first time since 2007 ? Formula One is back in the U.S., bringing along with it the glitz and glamor of what some argue is the pinnacle of motor racing.

Drivers in the most technologically advanced cars on the planet compete at tracks across the globe. In November, the new Circuit of The Americas, southeast of Austin, will play host.

"The day is finally here," said famed racing driver Mario Andretti. "We are rejoicing."

Andretti drove the first official laps during an opening ceremony on Sunday. Speeding down the straightaway in a black-and-gold 1979 Lotus F1 car, he helped add to the spectacle that is F1.

"It's a big motor sports circus," said Barry Mortimer, who works with the Lotus F1 team based in Oxfordshire, England. "Everyone wants to see the awesome technology."

Still, Formula One in the U.S. has a much smaller following, compared to other countries. During the visit to Austin, Mortimer said he and his English team members huddled around a TV and watched the Texas vs. Baylor game on Saturday night.

"F1 needs to be the show that football is," for the sport to reach the same kind of popularity in the U.S., Mortimer said.

November's Texas race is already sold out. Some of the cheapest tickets you'll find are online, but they're still pricey at around $300.

Some sellers are asking thousands of dollars for tickets to the best seats ? all for a sport where few in Texas can name the top drivers, and in which you will find no Americans behind the wheel.

But with a first-of-its-kind track built here in Texas, some believe that could all change. Not only putting Texas on the motor sports map, but making the U.S. once again a stop for that traveling motor sports circus.

New Jersey is expected to host a street race in 2014; Dallas staged an F1 race in 1984.



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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Role of agricultural universities underscored for ensuring women ...

ISLAMABAD?-?Women?s right to land is essential for promoting sustainable agriculture and the agricultural universities in Pakistan had a bigger role to play in terms of initiating research studies on the issues of women farmers who produced more than 60 percent of the food but owned merely 2 percent of farm land.

While addressing a seminar on ?Women?s Right to Land and Sustainable Agriculture: Role of Agricultural Universities? held on Monday by ActionAid Pakistan, in collaboration with Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, speakers including agricultural economists, media, students and development specialists highlighted the role of women farmers in ensuring food security across the globe and particularly in Pakistan. They lamented that it was pure injustice that women farmers were not allowed to own or have access to land.

Uzma Tahir, ActionAid Pakistan manager policy, advocacy and research unit, said that students being future leaders of the nation, needed to understand social issues and causes of injustice, discrimination and poverty.

She said that more than 44 percent of the population was dependent on agriculture as a major source of livelihood and women constituted more than half of that population. ?More than 40 percent of rural land is owned by merely 2.5 percent of the population of the country, which shows the extent of injustice and discrimination prevalent in the country,? she added. ?Inequality and injustice towards women start from the household where male members of the family dominate their female counterparts in decision making and ownership of land and livelihood resources?, Uzma Tahir said, adding that there was a dire need to acknowledge the role of women farmers in food production and food security and to introduce gender responsive agricultural policies and frameworks. She invited students to collaborate with the development sector to conduct women focused research studies. She observed that not a single woman in Pakistan had ever been recruited as a Patwari (land revenue officer), hence women faced discrimination at all levels.

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Braking, now steering: Is Nissan driving for us?

Nissan has announced an 'Autonomous Emergency Steering System,' that can steer a vehicle to safety if a driver can't. Is this bringing us closer to fully self-driving cars?

By Richard Read,?Guest blogger / October 20, 2012

A Nissan Mixim concept car is exhibited at the Wuhan Motor Show, Hubei province Oct. 12. On the heels of a new emergency braking system, Nissan has announced an emergency self-steering feature.



Nissan?has been on a high-tech run the past several days. On Friday, the automaker announced its?"Emergency Assist for Pedal Misapplication" system, which can apply the brakes when drivers hit the gas by mistake. And on Monday, we heard about a new?rear-facing camera on the 2013 Altima?that warns of lane-departures, watches your blind spot, and, of course, serves as a backup camera.

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Now, Nissan has debuted yet another high tech feature: the "Autonomous Emergency Steering System", which brings us one step closer to fully self-driving vehicles.

How it works

We've all been in situations where we've been forced to hit the brakes because traffic has suddenly come to a stop or because a slower driver has jumped into our lane. Occasionally, we've even had to swerve to the side of the road or into another lane to avoid rear-ending the?car?in front of us. These are terrifying, life-flashing-before-your-eyes kind of moments.

Nissan's?Autonomous Emergency Steering System?doesn't make such situations any less harrowing, but it can handle all that?braking?and steering on its own. And since the system can never be distracted by text messages or spills of hot coffee, it's always on the lookout for danger -- meaning that it may notice problems earlier and bring your car to a more gentle stop.

The Autonomous Emergency Steering System relies on one radar/camera combo up front, two radar detectors on the sides, and five laser scanners strategically placed around the vehicle. When the system identifies a problem ahead that requires immediate braking, it checks for obstacles in front, alongside, and behind the vehicle, then shows the driver where he or she ought to steer.

That in itself isn't too different from the brake-assist safety devices currently found on other vehicles. The difference in?Nissan's?case is that if the driver doesn't respond -- perhaps because of a distraction, a medical emergency, or dozing off --?the system will take over and steer the vehicle to safety.

Nissan's Vision Zero

Like its Emergency Assist for Pedal Misapplication, the Autonomous Emergency Steering System?is part of Nissan's Vision Zero?safety?plan, which aims to eliminate most traffic fatalities and injuries by the year 2025. In Japan, the U.S., and the U.K., the program is well ahead of schedule.?

Unlike Emergency Assist, though, Nissan has given no indication when or where the Autonomous Emergency Steering System might first appear. It's possible that it, too, may debut in Japan on the?Nissan?Elgrand?luxury?van, then roll out to other markets and models.

From where we sit, Nissan's?Autonomous Emergency Steering System?moves us step further down the road toward fully autonomous vehicles. Does it interest you? Is it the sort of thing you'd be willing to purchase as part of a safety package upgrade? Let us know in the comments below -- and be sure to check out our first-hand report on this technology at our sister site,?Motor Authority.

The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of the best auto bloggers out there. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by the Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own, as is responsibility for the content of their blogs. To contact us about a blogger,?click here.?To add or view a comment on a guest blog, please go to the blogger's own site by clicking on the link in the blog description box above.


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'Until Now' Review: Swedish House Mafia Deliver Bangers, But Only ...

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Katie Holmes shared a laugh with her daughter Suri Cruise while walking her to school in New York City on October 22. Holmes carried a large Starbucks coffee as she joked with the 6-year-old.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield <a href="">went to the ArcLight theater in Los Angeles, Calif.</a>, to catch a movie on Oct. 21, looking as lovey dovey as ever.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Ashton Kutcher <a href="">walked his dog</a> in his Los Angeles, Calif., neighborhood on Oct. 21. The actor was all decked out in Chicago Bears attire.

  • Celebrity News: October 2012

    Adele <a href="">welcomed a baby boy</a> with her beau Simon Konecki. The singer is said to be "over the moon."

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Beyonce and Jay-Z enjoyed a romantic dinner date in NYC's Battery park neighborhood on October 20. Don't you love these two?

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Ashley Greene debuted her red hair, reportedly for her role in the new movie about the punk-rock scene, "CBGB," while having lunch with friends at an outdoor cafe in the West Village, NYC on October 20.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Jessica Simpson <a href="">flaunted her toned legs</a> as she headed out on a shopping trip in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Oct. 20. Look at those super short-shorts!

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Reese Witherspoon went on a shopping date with her son Deacon in Santa Monica, Calif., on October 19. The new mom flaunted her post-baby body after giving birth to son Tennessee James three weeks ago.

  • Celebrity News: October 2012

    Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel tied the knot in Italy, <a href="">People announced on Oct. 19</a>. The couple, who have been dating for five years, say, "It's great to married." Congrats!

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Kate Hudson walked through Roissy Airport with her kids Bingham and Ryder on October 18 in Paris, France. The "Glee" star is in town to watch her fiance Matt Bellamy perform with his band Muse.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Michael Strahan stopped by 7-Eleven to pick up 7-Election Presidential Coffee Cup Poll cups for to the staff at ?LIVE with Kelly and Michael? on October 18 in NYC

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Sophia Bush and Brittany Snow looked gorgeous as they attended the Third Annual Autumn Party held at The London Hotel in West Hollywood, Calif., on October 17.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Bryan Cranston, Ben Affleck and John Goodman walked the red carpet at the "Argo" premiere as part of the 56th BFI London Film Festival in London on October 17.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Kim Kardashian arrived at the Miami airport in Miami, Fla., to catch a flight on October 17. The reality star flaunted her famous curves in tight leather pants and a sheer top.

  • Celebrity News: October 2012

    Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green revealed that they welcomed a son, Noah Shannon, on Sept. 27. The new mom announced the news on her Facebook, <a href="">writing</a>, "I am forever grateful to God for allowing me to know this kind of boundless, immaculate love."

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    "Glee" star Matthew Morrison and girlfriend Renee Puente strolled hand in hand after stopping off at their local Starbucks in NYC on October 17.

  • Celebrity News: October 2012

    "Bachelorette" star Emily Maynard and her fiance Jef Holm <a href="">revealed that they have in fact called it quits</a>. The couple says the relationship just wasn't working, with Emily admitting, "It was a very difficult and heartbreaking decision."

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Halle Berry stopped by Bristol Farms for groceries in Beverly Hills, on October 16. The engaged star looked ageless in short shorts and a T-shirt that read, "Got to have faith."

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Cate Blanchett walked with her youngest son, Ignatius, who was busy munching on some ice cream, as the two were out and about in Los Angeles on October 16.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    John Mayer and Katy Perry cast doubt on the end of their romance as the pair went for a birthday lunch in NYC's West Village neighborhood to celebrate John's 35th birthday on Oct. 16.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Taylor Momsen films a scene for the TV show "Gossip Girl" in New York City on October 16

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    "A Good Day To Die Hard" actor Bruce Willis took a stroll through the streets of Paris, France, with his wife Emma Heming on October 16.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson reunited over lunch with friends in Silverlake, Calif., on Oct. 15. The pair will begin press for the last "Twilight" film, "Breaking Dawn - Part 2," in the coming weeks.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Gwyneth Paltrow looked gorgeous at the God's Love We Deliver 2012 Golden Heart Awards Celebration at the Cunard Building in New York City on Oct. 15. We're loving her cutout dress!

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Zooey Deschanel was spotted looking "adorkable" as always in a pink summer floral dress while walking to the set of "The New Girl" at the LA Zoo, Los Angeles, Calif., on Oct. 15

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Sarah Michelle Gellar picked up her daughter Charlotte from school in Santa Monica, Calif., on October 15. She looks slim and trim just weeks after giving birth to her second child with Freddie Prinze Jr.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Christina Aguilera and her beau Matthew Rutler took her son Max to Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch on October 14. Pumpkins? We couldn't take our eyes off of Xtina's hot pink hair!

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Kim Kardashian apparently left her underwear at home as she headed out for an early dinner with boyfriend Kanye West in a see-through skirt and bra-top in Miami on October 14.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Owen Wilson went to the farmer's market with his son, Robert Ford, and mother, Laura, in Malibu, Calif., on October 14. The actor tried to stay incognito in a baseball cap.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Holly Madison flaunted her baby bump at an event benefitting shelter dogs in Las Vegas, Nev., on October 13. The former "Girls Next Door" star is expecting her first child.

  • Celebrity News: October 2012

    Russell Crowe and his wife Danielle Spencer <a href="">have reportedly split after nine years of marriage</a>. The couple have two sons together, Charles, 8, and Tennyson, 6.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner took their daughters out to dinner at Toscana restaurant in Brentwood, Calif., on October 13. Affleck is celebrating the box office success of his new film, "Argo."

  • Celebrity Photos: October 12

    Matthew McConaughey looked frail as he left a gym in Austin, Tex., on October 12. The actor is losing 30 pounds for his role in "The Dallas Buyer's Club."

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Marion and Tabitha, the adorable twins of Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker, were all smiles as they enjoyed a playdate in New York City on October 12. How cute are these two gals?

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Olivia Wilde took her favorite pal, Paco the dog, out on a walk in New York City on October 12. The actress and her beau Jason Sudeikis have been spotted all over Manhattan over the last few months.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Kate Hudson wore a plunging red dress to the amfAR Inspiration Gala honoring Kevin Huvane at Milk Studios in Los Angeles, Calif., on October 11. Hudson's "Glee" co-star Sarah Jessica Parker and her "Sex and the City" buddy Kristin Davis also attended the event.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Lindsay Lohan attended The Mr. Pink Ginseng Drink Launch Party held at The Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif., on October 11. The troubled star has been making headlines again for her recent battle with mom, Dina.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    'Argo' director and star Ben Affleck spent a little cash at Barneys New York in Beverly Hills, Calif., on October 11.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    No Doubt singer Gwen Stefani and her husband Gavin Rossdale stepped out for a coffee run to Starbucks on October 11 in Studio City, Calif.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Jennifer Lopez, her twins Max and Emme and boyfriend Casper Smart arrived in Bologna for a concert on October 11.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Khloe Kardashian showed off her curves as she went for coffee during a break from a photo shoot for U.K. women's store Dorothy Perkins with her sisters in Miami on October 10.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Isla Fisher picked up her little ballerina Elula from dance class in Los Angeles on October 10. The actress's youngest daughter with Sacha Baron Cohen has gotten so big!

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Emma Stone looked geek-chic while hanging out with a guy friend in Hollywood on Oct. 9. Stone can definitely pull off the nerdy look!

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Christina Aguilera and her boyfriend Matthew Rutler hopped into a limo after leaving Barneys New York in Beverly Hills on Oct. 9.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Cameron Diaz braved the chilly NYC weather as she left her West Village apartment on Oct. 9. The actress looks "bangin'" lately, right?

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Matt Damon and his youngest daughter, Stella, strolled through SoHo, NYC, on Oct. 9. The actor later attended the premiere of BFF Ben Affleck's new film "Argo."

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Rhea Perlman, who recently called it quits with her husband of 30 years, Danny DeVito, <a href="">stepped out without her wedding ring </a> in Los Angeles on October 9.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Nicole Richie was spotted leaving the Tracy Anderson gym in Studio City, Calif., with her hands full of fresh-squeezed juice after a "metamorphosis" class on Oct. 9.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Nicole Kidman filmed "Grace Of Monaco" on Oct. 9 in Monaco. Kidman is starring as Grace Kelly in the film, directed by Olivier Dahan.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Prince William and Kate Middleton visited St. George's Park for the official opening of the FA training ground in Burton-Upon-Trent in Staffordshire, England on Oct. 9. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge looked stylish as usual as they represented the royal family.

  • Celebrity Photos: October 2012

    Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have a dinner date at Prime One Twelve in Miami Beach, Fla., on Oct. 8. The reality star was caught squeezing her beau's behind on the way into the restaurant!

  • Source:

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    Friday, October 19, 2012

    FCC allows AT&T to use unused airwaves for mobile broadband ...

    AT&T has received approval from the Federal Communications Commission that allows the carrier to use a section of unused airwaves for its expanding 4G LTE network. A section of the 2.3GHz spectrum band known as Wireless Communications Services (WCS) will be handed over to AT&T, while also cutting down on interference for Sirius satellite radio subscribers.

    The decision was approved today by the Federal Communications Commission on a 5-0 vote, but the decision didn?t come lightly. The main reason why the airwaves remained unused by mobile carriers was the fact that it would cause interference problems with Sirius XM?s satellite radio signals if a carrier ended up using the airwaves.

    However, AT&T and Sirius have come up with an agreement that would turn 10MHz of the Wireless Communications Services airwaves into ?guard bands? on either side of Sirius?s spectrum. This will leave AT&T with 20MHz of spectrum that is free and clear, and Sirius satellite radio broadcasts won?t be interrupted.

    It turns out the FCC auctioned off the spectrum back in 1997, but it?s never been claimed by a wireless carrier due to the risk of interferences with other services. However, in order to effectively work properly, AT&T must own the entire spectrum band, so the carrier will still be struggling to consolidate the remaining airwaves that are still owned by other services.

    [via Washington Post]

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    Thursday, October 18, 2012

    Default Tricks ? Powerful Useful Tips To Get Reliable Hosting

    Maybe you have set up a new internet site with an internet hosting firm? These days, sites are much easier to create, people these days are setting up their own internet sites and getting them hosted. What goes on, though, if you achieve caught up? It is important that you just choose a dependable internet hosting firm that provides fantastic tech support. Please read on for several tips on other significant things to look for in choosing an online hosting assistance.

    As well as these a few principles, we shall center on some of the significant functions you ought to consider when choosing a web-based number.

    In case you are running an online business, you ought to avoid using a free website hosting service. Most free of charge hosting providers do not possess reputable up-time meaning dropped earnings. Additionally, they likewise have compelled banner ad adverts and popup adverts that make your site seem to be not professional. Finally, a great deal of cost-free web hosting providers will not give you the option of owning your individual website name. In case you are intent on your business, the price of receiving compensated web hosting service must not be considerable at all thinking about the positive aspects you can expect to receive.

    Make sure you look for an internet hosting website that is the two reputable and dependable. Meaning that they merely carry out the number of customers and web sites that they could properly take care of. They will also normally sustain specialized web servers and can do their best to never overload. A good web hosting service site may also take care in choosing which web sites they may variety and which of them they won?t.

    Ensure your web host provides normal application updates for the solutions these are offering you. For instance, when your website relies on Word press, you need to confirm that Wp up-dates are supplied successfully. Including up-dates for connect-ins and styles as well. Most of these updates include extra features and security repairs which are required for your web site.

    Study every single possible internet host?s customer care just before choosing a hold. The easier it is to speak to the web hosting service service, the greater your chances need to be happy. If you?re having problems together with your hosting accounts, you?ll will need in order to quickly achieve customer satisfaction by e mail or cell phone.

    When you are environmentally aware, think about using an eco-friendly hosting company. Green web hosts are dedicated to using renewable power places, including blowing wind power, to power their internet servers for their web hosting. The functions and customer satisfaction offered to customers are typically no different than individuals available from non-natural hosts, so you will not desire to make any sacrifices for picking eco-friendly.

    Avoid paying for internet hosting place that you simply really do not need. Some plans will attract you into contracts that cost more by affording you limitless area ? but will you actually need this? Recall that one could always improve afterwards as your requires increase. Except when you happen to be big firm or are engaging in eCommerce, you are able to most likely make do with 10MB or less.

    It is necessary when attempting to make a decision what web hosting service to use, to sign up for numerous forums on the net to achieve far better insight regarding which companies are perfect and which companies you need to avoid. This is a great place where like-minded men and women could possibly get jointly and talk about their experiences.

    When you are evaluating the correct hosting service, you need to remember the value of a site jogging 24 / 7, one week per week without having continual technical interruptions. Seek information, and know which businesses are not only offered and affordable, but trustworthy enough to have confidence in with maintaining your website operational.

    Unfortunate to mention, but there isn?t an ?unrestricted? level of area on the Internet for everybody to leap around on your own webpage, down load multimedia, and upload game titles of their. This is called ?bandwidth? and the majority of relationships between your self, customers, or surfers along with your web hosting service web server will consume out in your bandwidth cover. Always keep a detailed eye on in which it holders, and also be mindful with what you upload.

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    Monday, October 15, 2012

    We all deserve the same chances at love and heartbreak ...

    Heartbreak, it?s a universal experience isn?t it? It is something every single one of us has suffered at some point and will suffer again. Oh, we can try to believe we won?t experience it again, do everything to plan around it?s eventuality but it happens, there is no avoiding it.

    Now there are lots of different types of heartbreak but the heartbreak I?m talking about here is the heartbreak of love in all of its different degrees. ?On one end there is the heartbreak of disappointment over a new or potential relationship that just didn?t pan out. On the other end there is the heartbreak caused by the end of a marriage, which for those who have been through it can only be described as devastation or even a death. This is the heartbreak that comes with having planned your life with and around someone, the heartbreak that causes change to every single part of your life. This is the type of heartbreak that uproots your children, causes you to sell your home and to change your plans for retirement. In between the heartbreak of disappointment and the heartbreak of devastation are a million other types of heartbreaks, each one unique to the people who are suffering them and each one painful in their own way.

    I?ve suffered many of those, as have most of us have, in one way or another. The hardest of course to end is a marriage because it affects your entire family and its future. It picks up your world, gives it a good shake and then dumps it back out again, pieces scattered everywhere. I still can?t say that I have entirely recovered from my last divorce. In fact, I know that I haven?t. But I have moved on, tried love again, failed again, salvaged what I could and kept walking.

    So once again I find myself these last few weeks suffering a heartbreak.? A person I love dearly is leaving, moving on, and I am left to try to make sense of it all, learn a few lessons, become a better person, blah blah blah. Some days it hardly seems worth it, to open up to other people. Yet, what choice do we have really? We can grow old and bitter and alone or we can be open to love and the possibility of heartbreak. What we have to remember is that even if it doesn?t last forever, it brings with it joy, it adds richness to our life, it comes with new experiences and happy moments. Yes, it often ends and certainly we would wish to avoid that but it is what makes us human isn?t it? The need to love and be loved in all forms is what makes us who we are. In the long run we can?t help ourselves. Before we know it we will find ourselves once again with feelings for someone, opening ourselves up to hurt all over again.

    What I have thought about this week are the labels that society has put on my relationships and the meaning behind them. I can tell you ?I am divorced? and you immediately recognize the pain and depth of that experience. I can say ?my boyfriend and I broke up? and you recognize that as another type of pain. Someone can say ?I am a widow? and you know instantly the wrenching heartbreak they have suffered. While I would prefer that we not label relationships it simply is what it is. If I meet someone and she tells me she is married, I?immediately?know what that means, that behind her lies a committed and loving long term relationship.

    What that means for my friends in same-sex relationships is that there are no universally recognized terms to describe their life situations. If someone tells you they are in a ?committed relationship? with a partner it simply doesn?t hold the same meaning as saying they are married. Society doesn?t ascribe the same definition it does to the term marriage. Not only does it not come with the same legal rights but it does not come with the same respect for the family behind the term.

    The same is true when a relationships ends. I have had friends who have experienced ?divorce? in the same way I have. They have had to move with their children, redefine their family, sell their home and re-plan for their future. This period in their lives was as painful and devastating as my divorce yet there was no recognizable word to describe their pain and suffering. Often, there also wasn?t the same respect from others that their pain would have received if they could have said they were ?divorced.?

    While I have experienced both success and failure in my own relationships, I have always been free to define them how I choose. I have always been free to marry or not. My relationships have been respected and understood simply because of the term ?marriage.? The legitimacy of my children?s family has never been questioned.

    And that?s all I want for my friends as well, the ability to be able to define their relationships and their family in ways that society can understand. I want their choices and their dreams to be respected in the same way mine were. And if in the end it doesn?t work out, I want people to understand that their divorce is just as painful, just as life altering as any of ours were. I want them to have the same chance to succeed or fail at marriage that I had because love is part of our human experience. Heartbreak is part of our human experience. Denying anyone a chance at either is saying that their experiences are less than ours, that in fact they themselves are somehow less.

    While I don?t wish anyone heartbreak, I wish them a level playing field. I wish them the same chances that the rest of us have had to live happily ever after or not. Please think about it, and then Vote Yes on Question One in Maine.


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    Saturday, October 13, 2012

    A FESCO as a Tool for Payroll and Labor Dispatch in China | China ...

    Oct. 12 ? Many foreign-invested companies and representative offices in China have a contract in place with a FESCO (Foreign Enterprise Service Company) for labor dispatch, payroll and/or additional services for Chinese employees.

    Many foreign investors assume that FESCO is a single organization, but in fact it is a generic term used by dozens of local HR companies around the country. There are often multiple competing ?FESCO? organizations in each city, some subsidiaries or affiliates of companies in another part of the country, some partially state-owned and some 100 percent privately-owned.

    The English term ?FESCO? is a generic one, indicating nothing more than the type of service provided by the company. Because of the widely-held misconception that FESCO is one company, the ?brand? is a powerful marketing tool, and the term is often casually used to refer to companies providing similar services.

    ?It is important that foreign investors realize that FESCO is not a single organization. Many general managers operate under the misconception that their organization (especially if it is a representative office) has no negotiating power with FESCOs, and simply accept the quoted price without question,? says Adam Livermore, Regional Manager, Dezan Shira & Associates, Dalian Office.

    Some FESCOs also carry out services such as executive search work (headhunting) on behalf of their clients, which could create a conflict of interest between payroll clients (who supply confidential personal and salary information) and headhunting clients (for whom the knowledge of such confidential data is valuable).

    Labor dispatch and decreasing hiring risk in labor disputes
    ?A FESCO is a kind of tool,? explains Victor Zheng, Business Advisory Services, Dezan Shira & Associates, Shanghai Office. ?Representative offices must recruit their Chinese employees through an agent (many of which use the catch-all term FESCO as their company name), and such agents can also be quite useful for other foreign-invested entities on occasion.

    FESCOs generally have their own standard labor contracts, with little room for negotiation. These contracts aren?t always the most well-written, and it?s usually a ?take it or leave it? situation, but hiring employees through a FESCO can sometimes be less risky than hiring them directly.

    While a FESCO will not take liability for financial compensation ? this will be quite clear in the initial agreement ? in the case of a labor dispute (on issues such as performance, termination of the labor contract, salary payments, social insurance payments, training, labor protection), the FESCO can get involved in the negotiation, arbitration and/or litigation.

    Many of these companies are state-owned and some of them have a strong legal team (especially for employment issues) and are familiar with local arbitration and litigation process. FESCO?s involvement in labor disputes can sometimes help to achieve a resolution.

    In addition, FESCOs can also be useful for foreign-invested entities during the pre-incorporation period, during which preparation work often requires the assistance of Chinese employees. A foreign-invested entity cannot establish a legal contract (no matter labor contract or service contract) with a Chinese individual before the entity obtains its business license. Some FESCOs (not all) will agree to hire the Chinese employee and dispatch them to the foreign-invested entity that is still under the process of incorporation, generally on the condition of a 3-4 month cash deposit of all salary and social insurance payments.?

    Labor Contract Law stipulates that workers dispatched from a FESCO should generally assume temporary, substitute or auxiliary positions. In the past, this directive has often been ignored and FESCOs have been used to hire a wide variety of Chinese workers upon the client?s request. However recent draft legislation regarding the obligation of employers to directly employ core staff has brought extra risk to companies employing a large portion of their employees through agencies, and many companies are now re-considering their approach to hiring in the light of this new regulation.

    One thing to keep in mind about FESCOs is that, according to Labor Contract Law, they can only offer fixed-term contracts for at least two years. An employer may still terminate the employment relationship with the Chinese employees, following the stipulations of Labor Contract Law and the agreement signed with FESCO.

    According to legislation available as of July 2012, it is unclear whether an employee that is working under an agency contract will have the opportunity to achieve an open-term contract with the company after expiration of two fixed-term contracts. Options beyond a fixed-term contract include a service agreement or part-time arrangement based on relevant Chinese laws and regulations, which can be terminated more easily.

    Portions of this article came from the October 2012 issue of China Briefing Magazine titled, ?Social Insurance and Payroll.? In this issue, we take a ?back to basics? approach to China?s mandatory benefits. Where, exactly, is that extra 35-40 percent on top of an employee?s salary going? What are social insurance contribution rates, base amounts, and tax exemptions? How does all of this figure into the payroll process? We next look at mandatory benefits as a piece of the larger payroll puzzle, with highlights on two very China-specific pieces: FESCOs and hukou, China?s ?domestic passport.?

    Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia. Since its establishment in 1992, the firm has grown into one of Asia?s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.

    For further details or to contact the firm, please email, visit, or download the company brochure.

    You can stay up to date with the latest business and investment trends across China by subscribing to The China Advantage, our complimentary update service featuring news, commentary, guides, and multimedia resources.

    Related Reading

    An Introduction to Doing Business in China
    Asia Briefing, in cooperation with its parent firm Dezan Shira & Associates, has just released this 40-page report introducing everything that a foreign investor should be familiar with when establishing and operating a business in China.

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