Friday, December 28, 2012

Study ties drug shortage to poorer cancer survival | Health ...

Drug Shortage Cancer

This December 2012 photo provided by the Alonzo family shows Abby Alonzo, 13, who has been cancer-free for over two years after her treatment at St. Jude's for Hodgkin lymphoma in 2010.

Katie Alonzo ? AP

Young cancer patients who couldn't get a key medicine because of a national drug shortage were more likely to suffer a relapse than others who were able to get the preferred treatment, doctors report. It's the first evidence that a long-standing drug-supply problem probably has affected cancer treatment results in specific patients.

The study involved more than 200 children and young adults with a blood cancer called Hodgkin lymphoma. Like childhood leukemia, it can be cured nearly 80 percent of the time. But a drug shortage that has worsened since 2009 is threatening that success rate, doctors report in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.

Hundreds of drugs, including sedatives, antibiotics, painkillers and cancer treatments, have gone in and out of short supply in recent years. Reasons include manufacturing and contamination problems, plant shutdowns, and fewer makers and lower profits for certain drugs, especially generics infused during surgery or cancer treatment.

Doctors sometimes substitute different drugs for ones in short supply. But proving that the swaps led to poorer results has been tough, especially for cancer patients whose disease and response to treatment vary so much.

"We really couldn't put our finger on, did anybody really suffer?" said Dr. Michael Link, a cancer specialist at Stanford University and past president of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

The new study, led by Dr. Monika Metzger of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, gives the best evidence so far that patients are suffering.

It focused on mechlorethamine, or nitrogen mustard, a drug that has been in short supply until last month, when more became available. Doctors compared results among 181 Hodgkin lymphoma patients who received the drug to 40 others who were given a different chemotherapy, cyclophosphamide, when the first choice was unavailable.

Only 75 percent of those given the substitute drug stayed free of cancer for two years versus 88 percent who received the preferred treatment.

"We can think of no credible explanation for this dramatic difference" other than the drug substitution, the authors wrote.

No patients died, but those who relapsed were given more aggressive treatments, including stem-cell transplants that have more side effects and can harm fertility.

One of them was Abby Alonzo, of Port St. Lucie, Fla. She was diagnosed with lymphoma three years ago, when she was 10. After eight weeks of treatment with the preferred drug, "she was doing wonderfully," said her mother, Katie Alonzo.

Then doctors said they were out of it.

"I said, what do you mean, we don't have the medication my child needs?" Katie Alonzo said.

After four weeks on the substitute chemo, Abby's cancer had returned and spread to more places, her mother said. The child received high doses of chemotherapy and radiation and now seems cancer-free, although the treatments damaged her lung capacity, leaving her short of breath.

"When your child has cancer you live day by day," and to find out a life-saving medicine isn't available is "very, very frightening," Katie Alonzo said.

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The Worst Travel Ideas Of 2012 - Business Insider

Crap products

? Dr Bronner's magic soap has "18 different uses-in-one!" from toothpaste to massage to nappy wash!

? Wearable luggage ? Jaktogo is a very ugly coat made out of plasticky pockets so you can smuggle up to 10kg extra hand luggage on to your flight ? It also comes in dress form!

? "Round the world pants" ? cities instead of days of the week ... ?70!

Pretentious and silly travel concepts ...

? Who knows what a concierge normally does, but this year they specialised. There was the "food truck concierge" at New York's Thompson Hotels; the "sleep concierge" at The Benjamin, also in NYC; the "art concierge" at the Hazelton Hotel in Toronto; and, best of all, the "horcierge", to attend to guests' horse-related needs, such as buying jodpurs, at the Stafford London Hotel.

? Giving a fancy name to something we do already and calling it a new trend is hugely popular in the travel industry ... think "wild swimming" (swimming outside), wild camping (camping not on a campsite) and this year's fave, "the inter-generational holiday" ? going on holiday with your kids, your mum, and your nan.

? Glamping became "camp-bling" (see and in New York there was "urban glamping" on the roof of the AKA Central Park hotel.

? Have you got what it takes to survive? asked the new Bear Grylls Survival Academy. "What it takes" being ?1,899 for a five-day course in the Highlands. Oh, and Bear himself won't be there. And you have to catch your own breakfast. And sleep outside.

? The 2012 award for most pretentious concept goes to BrewDog for their "craft beer cocktail speakeasy in Shoreditch". Sounds like the marketing team just googled "most-used hipster terms" and strung them together to form a new bar. It also has a "Japanese street food menu". Of course it does.
? A Hello Kitty spa for children opened in the summer in Dubai.

? Immersive experiences that let punters experience the sort of terror depicted in slasher movies were the breakthrough event of the year. From a Horror Camp Live weekend break to zombie shopping mall shootouts in Reading.

Dog-related holidays and products ...

? The fashion world may have moved on from dogs, declaring cats and a very well-dressed monkeys the animals of 2012, but in the world of travel dogs still dominated. Pampered pooches and adventurous canines were catered for with a variety of innovative services and products. Our favourite doggy development in 2012 was the dog blog, "the only UK travel site written by dogs ... for dogs". That's right, a two-year-old mongrel called Attlee Common heads a team of Rover reporters who sniff out dog-friendly holidays and places to stay. Even if you are not a dog owner we urge you to look at this site.

? Attlee would surely approve of Best Western's response to "a surge in enquiries over the past month from guests requesting something special for their dogs to eat on Christmas Day" ? the ?105 dog's dinner, a selection of matured Kobe beef, the finest filet mignon and porterhouse steak, all cooked to order and served by a dog butler (we're not sure if this is a dog dressed as a butler or a human being). It's more expensive than the priciest Christmas meal available to guests ?

? And what should a pampered pooch wear to dine on such luxury fare? Why, a cashmere coat of course, a snip at ?161, from, which as well as selling outrageously expensive dog-wear also has a travel section.

? More practical ? and affordable ? canine clothing comes from Equafleece. Its 2012 contribution to dog-wear is the "portable hug" for dogs scared of fireworks. The ?13 T-shirt is designed to help dogs feel supported and "therefore more able to breathe and cope with fears".

Stupid stunts ... and stupid surveys

? At the start of this year, Jurys Inn hotels offered a free night to guests with a cheesy name, such as Mr Stilton or Mrs Cheddar to celebrate National Cheese Lovers' Day, while earlier this month The Cavendish in London was choosing one guest who would be allowed to pay for their room with chocolate coins.

? As royal fever swept the travel industry, all hotels felt obliged to provide a jubilee afternoon tea, a "right royal knees up" weekend package or, in the case of Marriott hotels, a free "corgi" cocktail to any guest called Elizabeth.

? A sea of PR swept along in the royal couple's wake as they travelled the world, and any country they visited, from the Seychelles to Canada, expected the "William and Kate effect". Then last month dozens of holiday companies started pushing their "royal babymoons".

? "Boris voted Britain's favourite beach buddy" said social travel network Gogobot, while "Going on holiday more stressful than giving birth" said some "research" by Continental Tyres.

Festival flops

? A terrible summer meant most festivals were a washout but some fared worse than others. London's first Bloc music festival was shut almost immediately due to dangerous levels of overcrowding, Creamfields was called off due to flooding, while the British Biscuit Festival failed to deliver a slam dunk.

? The poshing-up of festivals reached ridiculous levels, with an Anthropologie tent at Port Eliot, and banquets delivered by a Michelin-starred chef at Wilderness. Even Reading had glamping options that included "Podpads" and "Yurtels".

This article originally appeared on


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Self Improvement Times: Time Management Tips - 3 Essential Time ...

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

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Find room for God in fast-paced world, pope says on Christmas eve

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict, leading the world's Roman Catholics into Christmas, on Monday urged people to find room for God in their fast-paced lives filled with the latest technological gadgets.

The 85-year-old pope, marking the eighth Christmas season of his pontificate, celebrated a solemn Christmas Eve mass in St Peter's Basilica, during which he appealed for a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict and an end to the civil war in Syria.

At the mass for some 10,000 people in the basilica and broadcast to millions of others on television, the pope wove his homily around the theme of God's place in today's modern world.

"Do we have time and space for him? Do we not actually turn away God himself? We begin to do so when we have no time for him," said the pope, wearing gold and white vestments.

"The faster we can move, the more efficient our time-saving appliances become, the less time we have. And God? The question of God never seems urgent. Our time is already completely full," he said.

The leader of the world's some 1.2 billion Roman Catholics said societies had reached the point where many people's thinking processes did not leave any room even for the existence of God.

"Even if he seems to knock at the door of our thinking, he has to be explained away. If thinking is to be taken seriously, it must be structured in such a way that the 'God hypothesis' becomes superfluous," he said.

"There is no room for him. Not even in our feelings and desires is there any room for him. We want ourselves. We want what we can seize hold of, we want happiness that is within our reach, we want our plans and purposes to succeed. We are so 'full' of ourselves that there is no room left for God."


Bells inside and outside the basilica chimed when the pope said "Glory to God in the Highest," the words the gospels say the angels sang at the moment of Jesus' birth.

Earlier on Monday the pope appeared at the window of his apartments in the apostolic palace and lit a peace candle, as a larger-than-life nativity scene was unveiled in St Peter's Square below.

Reflecting on the gospel account of Jesus born in a stable because there was no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn, he said when people find no room for God in their lives, they will soon find no room for others.

"Let us ask the Lord that we may become vigilant for his presence, that we may hear how softly yet insistently he knocks at the door of our being and willing.

"Let us ask that we may make room for him within ourselves, that we may recognise him also in those through whom he speaks to us: children, the suffering, the abandoned, those who are excluded and the poor of this world," he said.

He asked for prayers for the people who "live and suffer" in the Holy Land today.

The pope called for peace among Israelis and Palestinians and for the people of Syria, Lebanon and Iraq and prayed that "Christians in those lands where our faith was born may be able to continue living there, that Christians and Muslims may build up their countries side-by-side in God's peace."

The Vatican is concerned about the exodus from the Middle East of Christians, many of whom leave because they fear for their safety. Christians now comprise five percent of the population of the region, down from 20 percent a century ago.

According to some estimates, the current population of 12 million Christians in the Middle East could halve by 2020 if security and birth rates continue to decline.

At noon (1100 GMT/6 AM ET) the pope will deliver his twice-yearly "Urbi et Orbi" (to the city and the world) blessing and message from the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica.

(Reporting By Philip Pullella; Editing by Myra MacDonald)


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Sunday, December 23, 2012

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

The high cost of motherhood worldwide - Life Inc.


In most countries, there's a gap between men's and women's earnings, and it grows when women have children.

By Allison Linn, TODAY

Motherhood has many rewards, but as many women already know, they aren?t usually the financial kind.

A new and comprehensive look at how much money 25- to 44-year-olds earn finds that women of that age earn less than men worldwide, and the gap between men?s and women?s pay grows considerably wider when just comparing moms and dads.

The Organization for Cooperation and Development looked at the wage gap among men and women in its 34 member countries. On average across the countries, they found that median earnings for women who worked full-time were 16 percent less than men working full-time.

That?s actually 4 percentage point improvement over 2000, the researchers said. Most of the improvement came between 2000 and 2005.

The report found that the gap grew much wider for people in their mid-20s through mid-40s who also were raising children ages 15 and under. Median wages for moms in that situation were 22 percent less than dads in that situation.

For people who weren?t raising children, there also was a wage gap, but it was much smaller. Women of that age without kids made 7 percent less than dads without kids.

In a handful of countries, including Ireland and Australia, the women without kids were actually earning slightly more, on average, than the men without kids.

The comparisons were among full-time workers, but the report noted that women ? and especially mothers - are much more likely to work part-time. Many women choose to work part-time so they can have more time for family, but the report noted that it?s tougher to find secure, career-track employment at a part-time job.

In a statement accompanying the report?s release, OECD officials argued that things like high child care costs are keeping some women from working as many hours as they might like, or from pursuing certain careers. They said that, in turn, could end up stifling some economic growth.

?Closing the gender gap must be a central part of any strategy to create more sustainable economies and inclusive societies,? OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurr?a said in a statement.

Worldwide, many women have risen to positions of great power in recent years.

In Europe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is one of the world?s most powerful politicians. And in the United States women including Yahoo! Chief Executive Melissa Mayer have come to command a lot of sway among business leaders.

Still, most top positions are still held by men, and the OECD report noted that the wage gap was wider, on average, at the top of the pay scale.

In the United States, the gap between men?s and women?s earnings has remained little changed even as wages have fallen for everyone because of the recession and weak recovery.? The median earnings for women who worked full-time and year-round were 77 cents for every dollar a man earned in 2011, according to the latest Census data.


Wage gap starts right after college, research shows

Women face stubborn wage gape as wages fall for everyone

Has your career been limited by your decision to have children?


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Sunday, December 16, 2012

AP source: Tigers and Sanchez agree to 5-year deal

DETROIT (AP) ? The Detroit Tigers have made another major move to help their quest to win a World Series for the first time since 1984.

Right-handed pitcher Anibal Sanchez agreed to an $80 million, five-year contract with the Tigers, a person familiar with the deal told The Associated Press on Friday. The person, speaking on condition of anonymity because the agreement hasn't been finalized, said Sanchez is scheduled for a physical Monday.

Sanchez was a part of Detroit's four-man rotation that led the franchise to World Series this year. He had a 1.77 ERA in 20 1-3 innings over three postseason starts, but was 1-2 because Detroit was shut out in each of his losses.

"He was big for us in the playoffs, I just wish we scored a couple more runs for him and for our team," Tigers catcher Alex Avila said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "He's a big-time pitcher."

The Tigers acquired the 28-year-old Venezuelan in July from Miami along with second baseman Omar Infante for right-hander Jacob Turner and two minor leaguers. As a free agent he also was pursued by the Chicago Cubs.

Sanchez got off to a shaky start with the Tigers, but improved toward the end of the regular season and finished 4-6 with a 3.74 ERA for Detroit. He is 48-51 with a 3.75 ERA since making his major league debut with the Marlins in 2006.

Justin Verlander leads Detroit's rotation, which also includes Max Scherzer, Doug Fister and Sanchez. The Tigers pitched well in the playoffs, but their bats let the team down when San Francisco swept them in the World Series. Detroit was shut out twice, scored just three runs in the two other games and had the third-lowest batting average in Series history at .159.

Detroit addressed a need last month by signing outfielder Torii Hunter to a $26 million, two-year deal and this week, the franchise made sure it didn't have to find another starting pitcher..

"It's definitely big for us to know Sanchez is coming back," Avila said. "He makes us better and makes our rotation really deep."


AP Sports Writer Ronald Blum in New York contributed to this report.


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Costa Michailidis: Can Computers Be Creative?

Ask Siri what time it is or ask Google for today's weather and you'll get what you need. Punch a mathematical expression into a calculator and you'll almost never be let down. Computers are incredibly precise and reliable when it comes to these types of tasks.

"Hey Siri, why doesn't my girlfriend like my paintings anymore?"

"Apple doesn't tell me everything you know."

On the other hand, there is a world of tasks computers are terrible at resolving. Why the stark difference? Will computers ever be able to understand art or be creative? Let's dig a little deeper.

Two Types of Problems

Let's divide our world of problems into two types. Firstly, there are problems that have a definitive answer, or multiple definitive answers. For example: Nine is divisible by which numbers? The answers are one, three and nine. The wonderful thing about these types of problems is that resolving them can be broken down into a simple sequence of steps, a procedure or a program. That's why computers are so great at solving them. You just run the program and it spits out the answers, often at a remarkably fast pace. It's incredible how sophisticated these algorithms, programs, have gotten and how powerful they can be. My favorite example of this type of ingenuity is IBM's Watson.

There is a second set of problems we deal with in our lives, and these problems have no definitive answer. They are entrenched in context, deal with changing variables or unknown factors. It is either more difficult or not useful to solve these problems by taking a prescribed set of steps to reach a conclusion. The solution is often contextual, transient, or mysterious unto itself. How to write an inspiring story or make a beautiful painting? How to choreograph a dance that will dazzle an audience? We come across these challenges in the arts but also in business. Which marketing campaign will succeed? Which logo best represents our brand? So far, computers have not been very successful in this realm. The realm of the creativity.

The Heartbeat of Creativity

When we look at this second set of challenges, and observe humans that are solving these types of problems (writers, musicians, marketeers), we find them leveraging their imagination. We find them using their creativity. So, what is Creativity? Creativity has a collection of definitions, many of which highlight two factors: Novelty and value. Something which is creative has an element of novelty, or newness, and an element of value, or utility.

When a musician writes a new song lyric or when an inventor sets out to design something she considers hundreds of possibilities before converging on an appropriate option. A marketing team generates a huge number of ideas before investing the time and resources to develop a campaign for its potential customers. The next time our musician writes or our inventor innovates, they will begin again by diverging on all possibilities before converging onto the most appropriate choice. This oscillation of divergence and convergence is what I like to call the "Heartbeat of Creativity." There is a huge volume of scholarly articles on this pattern of divergence and convergence with respect to the psychology of human creativity.

This pattern shows up in another place that is significant to our original question of whether computers can be creative: Evolution. In evolution divergence happens in the variance produced by sexual reproduction or mutation, then convergence happens when the environment selects the varieties most suitable for survival. Evolution, like the creative mind, is constantly diverging on possibilities and converging on the most appropriate options.

What About Computers?

Let's return to our original question: Can computers be creative?

I see hope. Pandora is a music website that curates music for you based on your and other users' preferences. Often times Pandora plays a song for you that you've never heard before (novelty) and that you're likely to enjoy (value). Choosing music that you will enjoy is certainly the type of challenge with an indefinite, transient and contextual solution. What about the creative process of divergence and convergence? That too, is beginning to make it into modern algorithms and programs. Take a look at the science behind Watson and see if you can spot the divergence and the convergence.

It seems to me that psychologists are beginning to better understand human creativity, and that engineers are beginning to learn to program it into computers. Perhaps the next great generation of artists will be made of silicon.



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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dell confirms it will exit smartphone business, drop Android

The global smartphone industry is expected to grow to reach $150 billion in 2014, and Dell (DELL) wants no part of it. According to Jeff Clarke, head of Dell?s consumer business, the company has no plans to re-enter the smartphone race anytime soon. ?It needs a lot of investments to really be successful,? Clarke told Forbes on Wednesday during the Dell World conference, and the company is apparently unwilling to make those investments.

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Clarke also confirmed that Dell is done with Android for the time being, instead focusing on tablets running Microsoft?s (MSFT) Windows 8 platform. ?It???s a content play with Android. Amazon is selling books and Google is making it up with search. So far we couldn???t find a way to build a business on Android,? the executive said.

This article was originally published by BGR

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Friday, December 14, 2012

10 Fit Winter Vacations | Fitness

I?m not a laze-on-the-beach type. My idea of relaxation is swishing down the slopes or snowshoeing to a yoga yurt. Of course, throwing in a massage doesn?t hurt either. Here are my picks for winter escapes with a healthy spin.

1. Yoga in Park City
Park City has plenty of skiing (duh!), but the uber hip Washington School House has a way cool winter workout. They?ve partnered up with Park City Yoga Adventure so guests can do an amazing yoga snowshoe combo on the Park City trails. It ranges from a 3-hour experience or guests can?do the yurt trip which is about a?5 hour trip.?If skiing is more your cup of hot cocoa, a ski valet will even come to the hotel to fit you with rentals in the hotel?s chic ski lounge? no lineup or chill.

2. Detox in Vegas
Most people go to Sin City to retox. Well, the MGM is about to change that with its 42 Stay Well rooms and suites, mini sanctuaries away from the smoke-filled casinos and hard-partying ways. The rooms feature more than a dozen wellness amenities, including special lighting to reverse jet lag, air filtration systems that eliminate toxins and pathogens, plus a vitamin C-infused shower to perk up your skin and hair. There are even healthy room-service options and a TV welcome by Dr. Deepak Chopra himself.

3. Ride a bull in Texas
Travaasa Austin is a haven of healthy classes (think yoga, meditation, even juicing), but what really sets it apart is Brutus, its bucking Bronco. The one-of-a-kind ?Bull Fitness? class tests the body?s balance and strength and gives you a crunch-free core workout (holy ab burn!). And boy, those inner things will get worked as riders struggle to stay on.? The cowboy hat and country music are just the Texas toppers. Afterwards, try the Willie Nelson ?On the Road Again? massage to iron out all the kinks. Bonus: There?s also a Challenge Course with climbing wall and 250-foot long zip line to push your limits.

Climbing wall at Travaasa Austin

Climbing wall at Travaasa Austin

4. Get buff and bronzed on the beach
The eco-chic Amansala Resort in the Riviera Maya offers the famed Bikini Bootcamp, a weight-shedding escape that combines fun fitness with healthy eats. You?ll swim in nearby cenotes, kayak in the pristine waters, sculpt your body on the beach and yoga in paradise. In other words, you?ll be having so much fun you?ll forget you?re burning some serious calories. The menu highlights local ingredients like fresh caught fish, jicama, chaya and mango ? yum! ?Bonus: You can now Bikini Bootcamp it up in Ibiza, Spain.

Bikini Bootcamp at Amansala, Mexico

Bikini Bootcamp at Amansala, Mexico

5. Go gluten-free at Rancho La Puerta
The 3000-acre luxury wellness escape in Baja California (an hour?s drive from San Diego) is offering a Gluten-Sensitive Package. You get a nutritional consultation, hands-on gluten-free cooking class, a complimentary copy of ?Cooking with the Seasons at Rancho La Puerta? cookbook, Seaweed Wrap and Therapeutic Massage all for $225 (+room rate). That?s on top of the 20+ daily hikes and fitness classes to choose from. Bonus: Rancho La Puerta also offers specialty ?Bar Method? weeks.

Yoga Class
6. Start the New Year right in NYC
Start the New Year off refreshed at The Surrey hotel. Book the East Side Revival for a two-night stay in a Deluxe Salon, a one-hour nutritional consultation with celebrity nutritionist Melissa Lippert and two Cornelia Spa Signature massage treatments. Or there?s the Spacation Package which ?gives guests the opportunity to enjoy a one-night stay with two spa treatments, two cocktails at Bar Pleiades and two complimentary VIP passes to a Flywheel spinning class.

Cornelia Spa at The Surrey
7. Get glowing skin in Lake Placid
Lake Placid Lodge is teaming up with Vermont-based, natural skincare guru Tata Harper for the Tata Harper Weekend Getaway January 10-13, a deluxe post-holiday getaway in the idyllic Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. Guests will spend three nights at the intimate, luxury 30-room Relais & Chateau lodge and start the year on a well note with exclusive, one-on-one consultations and?treatments by Tata and her team.?In addition, guests will have access to informative classes to enhance their wellness IQ including an organic wine tasting, a juicing class and healthy cooking demo. There?s also complimentary daily yoga, snowshoeing, hiking, ice-skating, cross-country and transportation to downhill skiing at nearby Whiteface Mountain (weather permitting).

Lake Placid Lodge
8. Find the Vortex vibe in Sedona
Hike off those extra holiday pounds while taking in the breathtaking views of L?Auberge de Sedona?s stunning red rock setting. Guests who book the Vortex Hike Package will enjoy a customized two-hour hike led by their very own Hiking Concierge. Or book the ?Sedona Snowmance? package and get 2 ski lift tickets good for Flagstaff Snowbowl plus $75 food and beverage or spa credit to be used during your stay. Bonus: The plush resort also offers daily yoga classes.

L'Auberge de Sedona
9. Go on a fit adventure in Vancouver
Located in the heart of trendy Yaletown,?OPUS Vancouver is the only hotel in Canada to offer v2 iPads in every room. Loaded with exercise apps and hiking/biking suggestions, the high-tech fit buddy comes complete with GPS to accompany you on your outdoor adventures. Indoor enthusiasts will also love OPUS? on-site gym with state of the art exercise equipment, flat screen TVs, lemon water, a fruit bar and chilled towels, plus floor to ceiling windows. A private trainer is available per guest request.?Bonus: The hotel has mountain bikes available so you can explore the city on two wheels!

10. Ski with celebs in Jackson Hole
Ski bunnies, listen up: Hotel Terra is partnering with Jackson Hole Mountain Resort for Terra Women?s Ski Camp January 16-19. Ski shoulder to shoulder with Crystal Wright and Jess McMillan, two of the greatest big-mountain female skiers in the?world, then relax with Pilates classes, the hot tub and fabulous meals in the evening. Includes 5 nights stay at Hotel Terra (a LEED certified luxury hotel), lift tickets, early tram access, ski instruction, Pilates and strength classes, breakfast and lunches, and 2 dinners.

Hotel Terra hot tub

*For more healthy travel tips, follow me on Twitter and Pinterest


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Chilean town shaken by reminders of deadly quake

NAVIDAD, Chile (AP) ? One jolt hit in the middle of the night. Another caught fishermen at a nearby beach. Then the ground shook at supper. And then again, and again: More than 170 tremors were felt in Navidad in just five weeks. The strongest struck during a funeral, and sent panicked mourners fleeing into the street.

Navidad, a coastal farming town of 5,500 people, has become one of the shakiest spots in one of the world's shakiest countries. And seismologists can't say whether these were aftershocks from Chile's devastating quake two years ago, or warnings of another huge disaster to come.

Navidenos, though, have learned to take quakes in stride.

In this town whose name means Christmas, some decorate Christmas trees with quakes in mind, wiring ornaments to the branches or taking extra efforts to secure the base. Restaurant owners nail wood railings panels to their shelves to keep glasses and liquor from crashing down. Some now use canned beer, shunning bottles as too risky.

Children at public schools practice drills every day and everyone seems to have a quake bag with flashlights and food ready.

"We were born, grew up and were raised with earthquakes," acting Mayor Rodrigo Soto said. "It seems like the world for the first time has discovered Navidad. Everyone asks us if we're scared and all we can say is that we need to be prepared."

Still, no amount of preparation can avoid that panicky feeling when the ground really rumbles. There's no way to know at that moment whether the shaking will pass quickly, or become frighteningly worse.

While the ground shook under the pews at the funeral, the faces of the mourners turned pale like the dead. Despite appeals for calm, the church swayed so much that people panicked and ran outside.

"People were terrorized," Carolina Jeria, recalling that 5.9-magnitude quake on Nov. 21. "In a moment like that, you lose control. We're very worried about the quakes because the big one in 2010 caught us unprepared."

Soto says the town still has an inadequate tsunami alert system ? a siren that sounds like a car alarm and lacks the volume needed to reach all the townspeople. But after so many tremors, he says Navidenos know in their bones when to run.

They know they'll barely feel a magnitude-2, but a magnitude-7 will knock them off their feet and that's a sign to scramble for high ground in case there's a tsunami.

Aside from the quakes, life is slow in Navidad. Many farmers still use oxen to plow their land, while others cater to tourists who come for the Pacific beaches from Chile's capital of Santiago, 170 kilometers (100 miles) northeast of town. Yet people are often on edge.

It's not just the ground's trembling that reminds people of earthquake risks here. Alongside the highway into town, wildflowers grow around tsunami warning signs that urge residents to build their homes high or be prepared to run for higher ground.

So far, the recent tremors have not caused damage or injuries, but they're a frequent reminder of the 8.8-magnitude quake and tsunami in 2010 that devastated much of Chile's coast, including Navidad. That quake killed 551 people, destroyed 220,000 homes and washed away docks and seaside resorts, costing Chile $30 billion, or 18 percent of its annual gross domestic product.

No Navidenos died, but nearly 200 homes were lost or severely damaged, and most townspeople had no power or water for a month.

"During the 2010 quake, the rupture zone reached all the way to Navidad. That's why seismologists at the Universidad de Chile indicate that these could be late aftershocks," Miguel Ortiz, national chief of the early alert center at Chile's ONEMI Emergency Office. He also said the recent shaking could be a harbinger of another huge quake to come.

A team of international scientists said the chance of a big, or even great, quake could have increased along a wide expanse of Chile's coast because of the 2010 quake. Their report in the journal Nature Geoscience last year concluded that it relieved only some of the stress accumulating underground since an 1835 quake that was witnessed and documented by British naturalist Charles Darwin.

Just off Chile's long coast, the Nazca tectonic plate plunges beneath the South American continent, pushing the towering Andes to ever-higher altitudes. The 2010 quake was so strong it changed time, shortening the Earth's day slightly by changing the planet's rotation. The strongest earthquake ever recorded also happened in Chile, a magnitude-9.5 in 1960 that struck about 500 miles south of Navidad and killed more than 5,000 people.

"What strikes me most about Chile is its beauty but also great potential for disasters ? from large earthquakes to volcanic eruptions, much like in California," said Paul Caruso, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Service.

"The big faults are responsible for the big earthquakes but also for beautiful mountains, active volcanoes, and a range of climates ? from very cold to deserts," Caruso said. "It's a fascinating place, especially for a geophysicist."

Navidenos have different ways of coping.

Retiree Carmen Delgado is so haunted by the 2010 disaster that she often stays awake trembling, anxiously waiting for the sun to rise so she can volunteer as a waitress at a local restaurant to keep her mind busy.

"People are afraid because in the past weeks it shook so much," said Karen Contreras, 18, a waitress at La Boca restaurant, near the mouth of a river that runs down to the ocean from the green hills surrounding the town.

"It's still trembling, but at least people know where to evacuate if it's strong," she added.

At the Divina Gabriela public school, children rush out of classrooms and line up at the sound of a rusty white bell each day. There's also an annual earthquake drill.

"I keep canned goods, a flashlight and batteries, because we're scared about these daily quakes," said Valentina Villagran, 11. "Every kid here knows they should run for the hills."

Evelyn Perez, 31, who's studying to become a teacher, was seven months pregnant when she was jarred awake in 2010. She dragged three kids up cold, dark streets without any emergency supplies. Now she keeps a quake bag at her door.

From his porch overlooking the Pacific, Hernan Cepeda, 82, recalls how the tsunami rolled toward him that night. He ended up clinging to the roots of bushes and losing his dentures, almost swallowed by the sea.

"I didn't return here until last year and now the tremors have brought back memories," Cepeda said. "It seemed like it didn't shake as much before. No one can tell what will happen next, but all you hear is that the next one will be an even bigger quake."


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With $46M Now In The Bank, textPlus Looks To Go Big Abroad, Launches Cheap International Calling On Android

2_Dialer - International NumberIt's been a big year for the artist formerly known as GOGII. Back in October, the Southern California-based startup raised $18 million in series D financing from The Raine Group, Kleiner Perkins, Matrix Partners and GRP, bringing its total investment to just over $46 million. The round was a testament to the continuing success of its flagship product, textPlus, a free text messaging app that has seen 40 million downloads in the U.S. and Canada to date -- half of which came in 2012 alone. In recognition of this phenomenal adoption, the startup rebranded from GOGII to textPlus in October.


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This Banded Furniture Has a Place for All Your Keys?And Then Some

Take the rubber band balls of your childhood, add some clean lines and functionality, and you've got Korean designer Dong-yeop Han's No Stereotype furniture series. More »


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Thursday, December 13, 2012

How can I become privy to traffic laws and traffic summons? | Traffic ...

In general, traffic legal guidelines are used to enforce security on roadways. These kind of laws must be followed to by motorists so they will not be charged with a traffic abuse. When you break these legal guidelines, you will often face a penalty. Typically, penalties are generally evaluated according to information on a particular circumstance and these range from an ordinary fine to a court summon and offender charge. In some jurisdictions, tickets are given for every offense. That is intended to set a charges that an offender may contest and to assign blame. When you contest a admission, you will have to appear in courtroom to be proven simple or guilty. Nevertheless others still use summons and tickets based on the type of traffic violation a new driver may have committed. When you are one of the a lot of drivers who participating in a driving school, you must have realized these traffic laws where you live.

The driving school lessons may also handle the process that is concerned when you are specified with a violation. Traffic authorities issue citations nearly constantly in tastes areas for offenses offering reckless driving, racing and driving under the influence of drugs or alcoholic beverages. Unless the officer decides to give the driver a alert, often he is currently writing a citation or concern a ticket and explains the criminal offense. There are also times when the passes are considered wrongdoing statements. These statements presume remorse and emphasize a fixed penalty. In some areas, seat tickets can be presented through summons.

When you decide to get a driving school education, you is going to be taught with different knowledge to become a safe car owner and these includes avoiding traffic violations. However, situations in the roads are often unexpected and even if you have acquired the skills to prevent yourself through offending, you are still close up to committing violations under certain circumstances. With such transgression, you will be issued with a status saman or speeding summons if you made a speeding abuse. This will determine your current charged offense; even so, you must be in court to adjudicate your guilt and ascertain the correct penalty.

It is almost possible to always challenge seat tickets you obtained for moving violations that presume wrongdoing in the court. Traffic summons are different because these require you to appear in court. When you receive a straight priced, you can just opt to accept the charge, reconcile the fine and continue with your travel. However, when you get summons, you don?t have such options.

A court appearance need should come with other relevant community resources making this more reserved for major violations. Offenses associated with a driver which could outcome to criminal charges or license revocation like driving under the influence, nearly always demand traffic summons due to the seriousness of the possible outcomes. Within majority of justice systems, the owner?s right can be removed or limited with more than a wisdom of one officer. Types involving summons can vary by point out. For example, such summonses are generally termed as pink summons in New York City.

Learning about traffic legal guidelines and traffic summonses are necessary for drivers to turn out to be well-informed and responsible. You will have to find out more about these when you acquire a driving school course that you may find within your area.

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New-found tale could be Hans Christian Andersen's

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -- For years, the somber fairy tale about a lonely candle who wanted to be lit dwelt in oblivion at the bottom of a box in Denmark's National Archives. Its recent discovery has sent ripples through the literary world because it is believed to be one of the first tales ever written by Hans Christian Andersen.

The famed Dane wrote nearly 160 fairy tales in his life, including classics such as "The Ugly Duckling" and "The Little Mermaid." The tale of the candle may have been written when he was still a teen, experts say.

Retired historian Esben Brage said Thursday that he found the six-page text on Oct. 4 while searching through archive boxes that had belonged to wealthy families from Andersen's hometown of Odense in central Denmark.

The handwritten copy of the tale, entitled "Tallow Candle," and dedicated to a vicar's widow named Bunkeflod who had lived across from Andersen's home, had been left seemingly untouched at the bottom of one of the boxes.

"I was ecstatic," Brage said. "I had never imagined this."

The short story tells the tale of how a tallow candle seeks help from a tinder box to be able to ignite itself. A senior curator at the Hans Christian Andersen Museum in Odense said the work is likely one of the author's earliest, written at the age of 18 ? seven years before his official debut in 1830.

"I often get calls about stuff thought to have been of Andersen's hand. Most of the time, it is not. This time I was thrilled," Ejnar Stig Askgaard told The Associated Press. "This is a very early attempt at prose by Andersen, who was then 18."

Askgaard said Andersen regularly visited the Bunkeflod widow, reading to her and borrowing books from her, even after he moved to Copenhagen to attend university.

"The text is not at the level of the more mature fairy tales that we know from Andersen's later writing," Askgaard said. But "we see traces of Andersen's history in the text, the language and the themes in the manuscript ... it all fits with him, it all bears his fingerprint."

The Danish language "Doedningen" from 1830 had long been considered Andersen's first fairy tale. That story was later re-written and published again in 1835 as "The Traveling Companion" ? a grim tale about death.

Andersen was born in 1805 in Odense, 105 miles (170 kilometers) west of Copenhagen, to a cleaning lady and a shoemaker. While famed for his many fairy tales, he also wrote dozens of novels, poems and travel journals. His works have been widely translated. He died in 1875.


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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Weight Watchers Retail - Business Insider

Alaina McConnell/Business Insider

Weight Watchers newest retail location has opened its doors in Manhattan's Financial District.

It's the 600th Weight Watchers store to open nationwide.

That's a whole lot of stores, and they have a greater purpose than just selling products.

CEO Dave Kirchhoff explained to us that?the retail outlets are places for members to hold formal meetings or to simply drop by for extra encouragement.

Member support is an integral part of staying on track with the new Weight Watchers program, he said.? But the X factor is actually a sense self belief. "The people who have the most success believe that if they stick with it they will be successful," he said.

To help cultivate this type of self confidence it's important for members to realize they are not alone, said Randi Gorton, Weight Watchers' Manhattan District Manager. "We support each other," she said.? "We show people that they're not the only ones."


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Gunman kills 2, then self in Oregon mall rampage

A masked gunman opened fire today at Clackamas Town Center, a mall in suburban Portland, Ore., killing two people, injuring one, and then killing himself.

"I can confirm the shooter is dead of an apparent self inflicted gunshot wound," Lt. James Rhodes of the Clackamas County, Ore., Sheriff's Department said today. "By all accounts there were no rounds fired by law enforcement today in the mall."

Police have not released the names of the deceased. Rhodes said authorities are in the process of notifying victims' families. The injured victim has been transported to a local hospital.

Rhodes described the shooter as an adult male.

Witnesses from the shooting rampage said that a young man in a white hockey mask and bulletproof vest tore through the Macy's, food court, and mall hallways firing rounds at shoppers beginning around 3:30 p.m. PT today.

Hundreds of people were evacuated from the busy mall full of holiday shoppers after the shooting began.

READ: Guns in America: A Statistical Look

The gunman entered the mall through a Macy's store, ran through the upper level of Macy's and opened fire near the mall food court, firing multiple shots, one right after another, with what is believed to be a black, semiautomatic rifle, according to witness reports.

Katie Tate said she was in the parking lot of the mall when she saw the shooter run by, wearing a mask and carrying a machine gun, headed for the Macy's.

"He looked like a teenager wearing a gun, like a bullet-proof vest and he had a machine, like an assault rifle and a white mask and he looked at me," she said.

Witnesses described the shooter as being on a mission and determined, looking straight ahead. He then seemed to walk through the mall toward the other end of the building, shooting along the way, according to witness reports.

Those interviewed said that Macy's shoppers and store employees huddled in a dressing room to avoid being found.

"I was helping a customer in the middle of the store, her and her granddaughter and while we were looking at sweatshirts we heard five to seven shots from a machine gun fire just outside my store," Jacob Rogers, a store clerk, told ABC affiliate KATU-TV in Portland.

"We moved everyone into the back room where there's no access to outside but where there's a camera so we can monitor what's going on out front," Rogers said.

Evan Walters, an employee at a store in the mall, told ABC News Radio that he was locked in a store for his safety and he saw two people shot and heard multiple gunshots.

"It was over 20, and it was kind of surreal because we hear pops and loud noises," he said. "We're next to the food court here and we hear pops and loud noises all the time, but we don't -- nothing like that. It was very definite gunshots."

Police are tracing the weapon used in the shooting.

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Just a spoonful: Sweet taste comforts babies during injections

Dec. 11, 2012 ? The sweet taste of sugar may provide some comfort for babies during immunisations, according to a new Cochrane systematic review. Researchers found babies did not cry for as long if they were given drops of sugar solution before injections.

Between birth and 18 months, babies may have as many as 15 injections. It is not certain whether babies feel pain in the same way as older children and adults, or whether they are simply unable to express it. Recent evidence has proven they do feel pain and efforts have been made to reduce pain caused by injections through the use of medicines, creams, pacifiers and distraction techniques. One simple alternative that is increasingly recommended is the use of a syringe or dropper to put a few drops of a sugary solution in a child's mouth. The sugar may help to reduce pain by triggering the release of pain-relieving chemicals in the body or by contacting taste receptors that induce feelings of comfort.

The researchers reviewed data from 14 studies involving a total of 1,551 infants aged between one month and a year. Most studies compared sucrose, given two minutes before immunisation, with water. Overall, babies given the sugary solution cried for a shorter time than those given water even though the results of the studies varied. Individual studies also used different pain measures, making it difficult to conclude that sugar solutions actually reduced pain.

"Giving babies something sweet to taste before injections may stop them from crying for as long," said lead researcher Manal Kassab of the Department of Maternal and Child Health at the Jordan University of Science and Technology in Irbid, Jordan. "Although we can't confidently say that sugary solutions reduce needle pain, these results do look promising."

Individual studies also used varying strengths of sugar solution. The researchers say future studies should examine the effects of different concentrations.

"We need to see more data from well-conducted trials in children under one year, especially in relation to optimal concentration, volume and method of administration of sugar solutions," said Kassab.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Wiley.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Manal Kassab, Jann P Foster, Maralyn Foureur, Cathrine Fowler. Sweet-tasting solutions for needle-related procedural pain in infants one month to one year of age. The Cochrane Review, 2012 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008411.pub2

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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FIND NORTH CAROLINA GIFTS AT THE MUSEUM SHOPIt?s all about North Carolina at the Museum Shop, located at the N.C. Museum of History in downtown Raleigh. You?ll find an impressive selection of holiday gift items crafted by North Carolinians: handmade ornaments, pottery, jewelry and more. The shelves also overflow with specialty foods, books, toys and other enticing options.

Choose from these items and more.

  • Books that you won?t find in most bookstores. These books recount history from the state?s earliest inhabitants to the 20th century.
  • Pottery that represents North Carolina?s long tradition of potters who use native clay to produce beautiful results.
  • Handmade decorative objects and jewelry pieces made by craftspeople in North Carolina and the United States.
  • Children?s toys that teach as they entertain.
  • Scrumptious North Carolina foods, such as Moravian cookies, barbeque sauces, jams and peanuts.

The Museum Shop?s own ornament series that reflects North Carolina?s proud heritage. A new ornament is produced annually, and this year?s design honors the 50th anniversary of the Legislative Building. Other ornaments feature North Carolina symbols, geographical locations, and buildings.

North Carolina mementos, which are small in cost but meaningful in memories.

From the mountains to the sea, Tar Heel traditions abound in gift selections at the Museum Shop. All profits from the sale of Museum Shop merchandise support programs and educational projects at the N.C. Museum of History. The Museum Shop is operated by the Museum of History Associates.

For your convenience, you can shop by phone at 919-807-7835 or online at The Museum Shop?s regular hours are Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. During the holidays, the Museum Shop will be open from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 23, and closed on Dec. 24 and 25 and Jan. 1. Parking is free on weekends.

For more information about the N.C. Museum of History, call 919-807-7900 or access or Facebook.
About the N.C. Museum of History
The museum is located at 5 E. Edenton Street, across from the State Capitol. Parking is available in the lot across Wilmington Street. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. The Museum of History, within the Division of State History Museums, is part of the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources.

About the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources
The N.C. Department of Cultural Resources annually serves more than 19 million people through its 27 historic sites, seven history museums, two art museums, the nation?s first state-supported symphony orchestra, the State Library, the N.C. Arts Council, and the State Archives. Cultural Resources champions North Carolina?s creative industry, which employs nearly 300,000 North Carolinians and contributes more than $41 billion to the state?s economy. To learn more, visit

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Microsoft says it's increasing Surface RT production, expanding retail presence this month

It's still a bit light on specifics, but Microsoft announced today that it's increased production of the Surface with Windows RT and is planning to expand its retail presence beyond Microsoft Stores "as early as mid-December." That retail availability will initially be limited to the United States and Australia, with availability in additional countries promised in the "coming months." In a statement, Microsoft's Steve Schueler says that "our plan has been to expand the retail presence for Surface after the first of the year,' but added that "based on interest from retailers, we are giving them the option to carry Surface with Windows RT even earlier." If those locations don't cover you, Microsoft's also announced that it will be extending its current holiday stores into the new year, with "several" of those said to be transitioning to permanent stores. As before, the tablet starts at $499, with the Touch and Type Covers sold separately.

Update: That certainly didn't take long. Staples has now chimed in and confirmed that it will be offering the Surface RT at its retail locations and online store as soon as tomorrow, December 12th.

Update 2: And now, Best Buy has noted that it'll begin offering the Surface beginning tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12:00PM CST and in all Best Buy and select Best Buy Mobile specialty stores nationwide this Sunday, December 16th.

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Source: Microsoft, Best Buy


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Monday, December 10, 2012

Devalued and distrusted: Can the pharmaceutical industry restore its broken image?

Devalued and distrusted: Can the pharmaceutical industry restore its broken image? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 10-Dec-2012
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Contact: Michelle Martella

Offers a balanced view of the role of drug discovery in improving public health

Devalued and Distrusted: Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Restore Its Broken Image? offers a balanced view of the role of drug discovery in improving public health.

The author, former Pfizer president John LaMattina addresses the progress that industry has made in improving its abilities to measure both risk and benefits of its new medicines, and then tackles the issue of R&D productivity -- the reasons for the drop-off, and how the industry can rehabilitate its image.

Devalued and Distrusted is intended to provide patients, physicians, regulators, and payers with an appreciation of these issues as well as the value that pharmaceutical R&D adds to society.


Devalued and Distrusted: Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Restore Its Broken Image?
December 2012, 128pp
$22.95; CAN $32.95; 24.60; 20.25

To arrange an interview with John L. LaMattina or for a review copy please contact: Michelle Martella.

About the Author

John L. LaMattina, PhD, retired as president of Pfizer Global Research and Development in 2007 where he managed more than 13,000 scientists and support professionals in the United States, Europe and Asia. Dr. LaMattina has received numerous awards including an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of New Hampshire. He is the author of a number of publications including the book Drug Truths: Dispelling the Myths About Pharma R & D published by Wiley in 2008. He also is a contributor to with his Drug Truths blog.

"LaMattina stands out from many of the other observers of the industry." (Nature Chemistry, May 2009)



Part 1. "The 4 Secrets That Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know"

Part 2. What Has Happened to R&D Productivity?

a. Impact of Mergers

b. Impact of FDA

c. Impact of Payers

Part 3. Challenges in Key Therapeutic Areas for Improving Health

a. Cancer

b. Diseases of the Brain

c. Cardiovascular Disease

d. Diabetes

e. Bacterial Infections

Part 4. Improving R&D Output

a. View of Others

b. Personal Vision

Part 5. Restoring the Pharma Image

Part 6. Final Thoughts

About Wiley

Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of information and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Wiley and its acquired companies have published the works of more than 450 Nobel laureates in all categories: Literature, Economics, Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, and Peace. Wiley is a global provider of content and content-enabled workflow solutions in areas of scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly research; professional development; and education. Our core businesses produce scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, reference works, books, database services, and advertising; professional books, subscription products, certification and training services and online applications; and education content and services including integrated online teaching and learning resources for undergraduate and graduate students and lifelong learners. Wiley's global headquarters are located in Hoboken, New Jersey, with operations in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Canada, and Australia. The Company's Web site can be accessed at The Company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols JWa and JWb.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Devalued and distrusted: Can the pharmaceutical industry restore its broken image? [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 10-Dec-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Michelle Martella

Offers a balanced view of the role of drug discovery in improving public health

Devalued and Distrusted: Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Restore Its Broken Image? offers a balanced view of the role of drug discovery in improving public health.

The author, former Pfizer president John LaMattina addresses the progress that industry has made in improving its abilities to measure both risk and benefits of its new medicines, and then tackles the issue of R&D productivity -- the reasons for the drop-off, and how the industry can rehabilitate its image.

Devalued and Distrusted is intended to provide patients, physicians, regulators, and payers with an appreciation of these issues as well as the value that pharmaceutical R&D adds to society.


Devalued and Distrusted: Can the Pharmaceutical Industry Restore Its Broken Image?
December 2012, 128pp
$22.95; CAN $32.95; 24.60; 20.25

To arrange an interview with John L. LaMattina or for a review copy please contact: Michelle Martella.

About the Author

John L. LaMattina, PhD, retired as president of Pfizer Global Research and Development in 2007 where he managed more than 13,000 scientists and support professionals in the United States, Europe and Asia. Dr. LaMattina has received numerous awards including an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of New Hampshire. He is the author of a number of publications including the book Drug Truths: Dispelling the Myths About Pharma R & D published by Wiley in 2008. He also is a contributor to with his Drug Truths blog.

"LaMattina stands out from many of the other observers of the industry." (Nature Chemistry, May 2009)



Part 1. "The 4 Secrets That Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know"

Part 2. What Has Happened to R&D Productivity?

a. Impact of Mergers

b. Impact of FDA

c. Impact of Payers

Part 3. Challenges in Key Therapeutic Areas for Improving Health

a. Cancer

b. Diseases of the Brain

c. Cardiovascular Disease

d. Diabetes

e. Bacterial Infections

Part 4. Improving R&D Output

a. View of Others

b. Personal Vision

Part 5. Restoring the Pharma Image

Part 6. Final Thoughts

About Wiley

Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of information and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Wiley and its acquired companies have published the works of more than 450 Nobel laureates in all categories: Literature, Economics, Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, and Peace. Wiley is a global provider of content and content-enabled workflow solutions in areas of scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly research; professional development; and education. Our core businesses produce scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, reference works, books, database services, and advertising; professional books, subscription products, certification and training services and online applications; and education content and services including integrated online teaching and learning resources for undergraduate and graduate students and lifelong learners. Wiley's global headquarters are located in Hoboken, New Jersey, with operations in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Canada, and Australia. The Company's Web site can be accessed at The Company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols JWa and JWb.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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